Strangely Familiar: Ben Risk / Calum McClure / Cate Newton

23 February - 23 March 2019

The art of Ben Risk takes place in a surreal arcadia and rainbow coloured imagined lands where you might see dreamlike and ambiguous figures and faces. Risk's colours create emotions that are hard to be put into words. There is a story to be found in each painting, which strangely moves the viewer back and forth from the imagined to the real. His oil paintings imbue both the sense of the strangely familiar and the curiously intimate and offer us a delightful example of genuine contemporary storytelling through paint.


Calum McClure entices us into the landscapes he has visited, often spaces that are open to all; botanic gardens and places of contemplation that offer escapism from the bustling cities. His spontaneous and bold brushwork and the turn away from natural colour combinations give a nod to Hodgkin and Bellany where the finer details give way to the fresh exploration of energy and atmosphere. Composition and memory come together to make ambitious new landscapes where it is possible to feel both the energy of the maker and experience the sense of place.


Cate Newton’s sculptures show her love for combining form, material and memory. Sensitively executed they explore the ideas of time passing and the interweaving of different cultures. Her imagination lets us revel for a moment in a childhood past time then onwards towards the observation of the motion of a Skate. Intrigue and beauty are found here.