slow Praxis

2 September - 7 October 2023

This exhibition addresses the need for a slowed down, considered approach to our actions and practices during this period of worsening climate change.


slow Praxis brings together a unique and diverse group of artists whose work, whilst not overtly describing environmental issues, is inspired by, or is a response to, their own deep connections to their chosen environments and/or subjects and the belief that art making – like living – must be sustainable.


Each of these artists goes a step beyond, stressing the importance of thoughtful processes, deep exploration and the need to fully immerse in one’s subject, thus rendering it both muse and collaborator.


It is also clear that for each of these artists time is used as a medium in the creation of their artworks. A slow practice is undertaken, be that in waiting for certain events or effects to occur, in using materials requiring time-consuming techniques or in employing slow-build techniques which evolve over a certain period. 


Together with co-curator David Cass, we bring you an exhibition in which we invite you to slow down, take time to engross yourselves in the beauty of the artworks and to spend a few moments contemplating how time and patience is woven into each piece and might also be woven into our own, increasingly busy individual lives.


slow Praxis e-Book